Catching up after procrastinating…

Today’s post is brought to you by Womxn King: the mighty peace junt from DR Congo!

I have been behind since 2012. We started trying to catch up on all the unmet needs beginning in summer of 2020 after we retired. Four years later, we are still catching up. One thing about knowing company is coming (at least for me) is I have the motivation to do things I have been avoiding. So, after a healthy dose of Womxn King, part of the Guji Mane diaspora collection from CxffeeBlack, I am fueled for the effort.

Sunday afternoon, just as I went out to mow before the expected 8 PM thunderstorm, the rain started 3 hours early! I sat on the front porch and watched it come off the roof, cats on my lap. It was beautiful, and cool. While I sat there, another small group of limbs fell from the pine tree. The tree is still alive as the top branches are green with needles and new pine cones, but the lower limbs that died in the heat from the fire of 2015 continue to break off occasionally. I am cautious and keep a lookout if I have to be under the tree. The rising foggy mist across in the woods created a mystical feeling, and the sun came out and shifted all the colors.

We’ve made major progress on the screened porch, including the hanging of a new storm door. I have alternated between working in the yard and working in the house, and the progress is visible. And now, after my breakfast and my Womxn King, it is time to put nose to the grindstone again and get another room done!

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10 Responses to Catching up after procrastinating…

  1. Congrats on the jump-start by company! Who’s coming to dinner? So nosey, I know, but I’ve given myself permission to ask all the questions I was previously too polite to ask in my other life. As an unemployed beach bum, I don’t even embarrass myself anymore.

    Now, if you’d kindly pass on some of that lovely rain to the western Caribbean, I’d be delighted!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzassippi says:

      You are such a hoot! Unemployed beach bum sounds pretty good if you asked me! My niece (my sister’s youngest daughter) and her husband are stopping to spend the night on their way home from Chattanooga this weekend. We just really enjoy them and they are such fun. They will be the first guests to enjoy the new room (aka my studio, where I have had no time to be working on art for weeks now!). I would be delighted to pass on some rain if I could!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. kodachromeguy says:

    What nice green tropical scenes.

    As for caching up, I think it is almost impossible. Moving to a different state was the only event that forced my wife and me to discard furniture, books, papers, kitchen paraphernalia, lawn junk, tools, and clothes. But despite being in a much smaller house now, we still have too much stuff and still can’t catch up. Baah, humbug……

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzassippi says:

      It does seem almost impossible to sort it out at a certain point, doesn’t it? We downsized when we moved here, too, but it seems to re-accumulate. I am mostly dealing with things like books, old papers, family items, etc., that are not huge, but still have to be stored somewhere. The longer this purge drags on, the less sentimental I feel about it and the easier to let it go.


  3. I had to laugh. The standing joke is my house is “This place is a mess, we need to have a party!”

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Charla says:

    You mentioned a fire in 2015. Was there a lot of damage besides the tree? So scary! Good the branches didn’t fall on your when you were outside. Enjoy your company.

    Liked by 1 person

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