All the good news for the week so far

I finished the trim and the door on wall # 3 today! I figured out what to do with the computer so I can finish wall # 4. It’s time to put this project to rest and start another one.

Meanwhile in between watching paint dry, I have been working on the altered book and a new mixed media piece. I am nearing the end of the first altered book, and I may or may not attempt another one. I am ready to get cracking on the “big project” that I envision will earn me an “Artist-in-Residence” somewhere, right? Don’t rain on my parade!

I am getting closer to telling the story I wanted to tell with this altered book. I have 3 more “sections” left, and then, the grand finale!

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11 Responses to All the good news for the week so far

  1. Kodachromeguy says:

    Nice work on your room. As you can see, it takes weeks – months to do projects like this well. It took us 10+ years to clean up and repaint a neglected house in Vicksburg.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzassippi says:

      I suppose if you count how long it took for me to complete renovation of two bathrooms, I at at the over 10 years mark, too. 🤔 It was way quicker and much easier to let the crew do the kitchen and the extra room makeover, though!


  2. Betty says:

    Sounds like you’re almost done with two big projects and anxious to start the next one. That’s a great way to be! I look forward to your coming posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear Ms. Artist-in-Residence:

    You are an amazing creature. I love your mixed artistic endeavors: Creating something brand new coupled with the mundane painting of a room. That’s all I came here to say.


    Takes One to Know One

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzassippi says:

      Dear Takes One to Know One,

      I deeply appreciate your recognition of my amazing-ness. I am inadequately humbled. While I am typically more reserved in my expression of emotion, in this case, I will attempt a more informal and relaxed response. This is my first ever use of this format:


      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful transformation of a room!

    Liked by 1 person

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