Smashburgers for the smashing guests! First family contact since 2019!

My niece Deana

We were so excited when my niece and her husband planned to stop over for the night on their way home from a trip! Not only were they the first guests to visit us since we rebuilt and renovated the downstairs room, they were the first time we have seen my family since 2019 and the closing of my parents estate when I met Sis and Bro in our home town, Texas to sign the papers. A whirlwind lunch, paperwork, and I was back on the road to home.

We have always enjoyed spending time with them, as they are such fun. They were on their way home from a trip years ago with Sis and her husband and stopped off for the night. I remember that trip with such fondness, so we were thrilled when she asked for a stopover. They and their adorable dog, Midge, arrived Sunday afternoon. We spent time catching up in the new “guest suite” AKA dining area, socialization area, and my art studio.

Randy ready to smash!

After the best smashburgers yet (this is Randy’s 3rd time to make them), we retired to the living room for more catching up before we called it a night. The following morning, Randy made breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs, and re-grilled roasted potatoes on the outdoor griddle while I put the biscuits in the oven. It was a short visit, but we laughed so much that I realized when I woke up profoundly happy and almost giddy that morning how important social contact is. I had my annual check up that afternoon, and when I told the doctor that, he said my Rx was “they have to visit more often.” I concur! We are actually looking at dates for a visit to them in the fall. After our company coming in July, and our trip to Nashville in August to meet up with Randy’s cousin and his wife, we will be ready for a long delayed Texas adventure again. I am not a social butterfly, nor a recluse, but I fall in the middle of what my Roatan friend dubbed the Retired folks social spectrum, and I think it is “just right.”

Time to get back on the horse and hope for “happy trails until we meet again.” Today also has been the 99th birthday of my father, who was born June 19, 1925. Dad passed over in 2017 at the age of 93, but I think of him every single day and all the things I learned from him. It is always a bit sobering to recall the birthdays of those no longer with us, but also, a time to cherish when they were.

This entry was posted in Acts of Restorative Kindness, Family, Food and Wine, Mississippi, Outdoor cooking and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Smashburgers for the smashing guests! First family contact since 2019!

  1. I feel like I hit the jackpot today! Seeing pictures of you and R. and your family like this was absolutely the best! Good post. So glad you got to enjoy family time and laugh a lot! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Betty says:

    I am glad you had such a wonderful visit. I always feel so good after lots of laughing. It is sad to remember those we have loved and lost. I try to use those feelings to remind myself to make good times with those who are here now. You are doing just that.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Julia says:

    It sounds like a lovely family visit!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Charla says:

    Laughter is wonderful, isn’t it?! The way it makes us feel, especially those deep, belly laughs. I like what your doctor said, too. He needs to write out a prescription for more visits and you can send the prescription to your niece. HAHA

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Charla says:

    P.S. Those smashburgers sound amazing! I like the outdoor set up for cooking that you have. Made my stomach rumble! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzassippi says:

      Thank you, Charla. If you and Kevin ever get this way, you’ll have to stop and have a smashburger! Oxford is building a new RV resort here and recently started breaking ground on it. Randy has a lot of plans for what he wants to do between the two houses. We are putting in a low to the ground deck, lights and fan under the awning. It will make it more user friendly and it will tie in with the new wrap around deck we will put across the front and side. Construction on that starts in August!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Charla says:

        We would love to stop by when we go through your area. Thank you; nice to know a new RV resort is being built. We will have to try it out. 🙂 Your plans for your house area sound wonderful!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Suzassippi says:

          There is the place at Pope that Betty and Dan like, too, with a lovely little lake. I have been to the lake when I first moved here and they have a nice little sandy beach. I will look forward to meeting you if you do get this way. Oxford is nice, and quaint for the most part, but there are things to see and do in the area–it’s not DC or any of the historically famous places you go to. I plan to go up to Corinth (on the Mississippi-Tennessee border) one of these days to see the old Contraband Camp where the Union Army housed freed slaves. They have quite a nice memorial with statues and descriptions of the work done there.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Charla says:

            Sounds like, besides seeing you, there are a lot of great things around your area. Thank you for the information. I have added it to my Places to Go and Things to See document. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

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