Calm in the midst of Chaos: It’s a thing

Like almost everywhere right now, we are in the dog days of June. I have to water everyday to keep the flowers from drooping and the herbs alive…not that I have been all that invested in cooking with them of late! It was 98 yesterday when I went to the grocery store.

When I went down to get the trash bin, I spotted a trumpet vine amidst the overgrowth of brush.

My grandma had one in her yard, and it would climb up the dead tree where she had affixed a birdhouse. I always loved to see the bright orange trumpets. She watered it by dumping her pan of dishwater on it after she finished dishes. They depended on rainwater for their water needs. There was a cistern by the side of the house and gutters channeled the runoff from the roof into the cistern. West Texas in summer did not see a lot of rain, and I grew up understanding the importance of water conservation. I still turn off the faucet while I brush my teeth, and turn it back on to rinse.

I made Holy Voodoo pan seared salmon for dinner along with roasted broccoli, zucchini, and ancho chili French Bread medallions.

I had to mend a broken strap yesterday, and decided to sew the buttons back on two shirts Randy had asked me to replace for him back in early spring. Of course, things have been moved so many times, I could no longer find the buttons. Fortunately, men’s shirt buttons are pretty standard and I found two that worked. After that, I figured I might as well mend the new hole in the new dog bed. Steffi has high anxiety during change of routine, and in a moment of stress, chewed a hole in the new dog bed we had just gotten. I sewed the hole differently this time, and then stitched a small rectangle of window screen over the repaired spot so it would not present an easy target. We shall see how that works.

And speaking of Steffi, she was due for her annual exam. We had been discussing moving her to Dr. Garcia, who takes care of Reggie. We have used the same animal clinic since arriving here in 2003, and were always happy with the care of our dogs. Lately however, as some of the vets retired or opened their own practice, or just moved, we had what Randy called “Vet of the Day” when we had to take one in. It was whoever of the just graduated vets was available that day instead of the regular doctor your dog would generally see. We left Reggie with his regular vet when we adopted him, and it has been a wonderful experience; we thought it was worth a try with Steffi. Randy took Steffi in, and there were a number of things that made Steffi’s visit not traumatic. First, the exam rooms have windows. She could look out, and that helped her stay calm. Dr. Garcia will get in the floor with her patients. Steffi actually seemed to like her, and not feel too anxious. She noted that Steffi began to calm and relax and that was a good sign. She thought we should keep her on the same medication she is on, and provided a nutrition supplement for moments of intense stress–such as fireworks. We don’t do fireworks, and although occasionally in our area a few will go off on the 4th, it is never close or that loud. Still, it is good to have a backup. Even calm and good-natured Reggie does not like all the construction noise echoing across the hill. It is really loud these days with hammering and sawing, and whatever else they are doing over there now that the heavy equipment machinery work has been completed.

I have been amazed at how calm and relaxed Steffi has seemed since her visit with Dr. Garcia last week. Things as a whole have been pretty relaxed and chill around here last week and so far this week. It is a good feeling. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and again for the weekend. That is welcome also. All is well.

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13 Responses to Calm in the midst of Chaos: It’s a thing

  1. Well, let’s hope you get a break from watering!
    When I was growing up, we had a spring that fed us water, not a deep well, so we were always cautious with what we used. Mom did the same thing. She took the dishpan out and watered her morning glories and zinnias with it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Betty says:

    The dog days are supposed to be in August, not June! Even with the heat though, you made a beautiful, artful, and I’d bet – a delicious dinner. Sounds like Steffi has a new vet. I water my flowers with my rain barrel water. Once I started doing that (maybe 10 years ago), there was no need for Miracle Gro. Calm is good, and even better is that all is well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzassippi says:

      Thank you, Betty. It was a simple meal, but very nice. We get enough water here that I have thought of using a rain barrel, but just never done so. We have a well, and thus far in going on 21 years, we have never had an issue. I wonder about the water table with the big house going up across the woods, but everyone in the county has a well, so it’s probably not an issue…yet.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Robin Ward says:

    Lovely flowers. When my grandmother and mother passed and when both homes sold, my brother dug up their rose bushes and planted them in his yard. He sends me photos of “Grandma’s roses today” or “Mom’s got blooms today”. I love that!

    I’m glad you like your vet and I hope that continues. These days with vets can be so darn frustrating.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzassippi says:

      Thank you, Robin. What a sweet thing for your brother to do! I dug up the irises from Grandma’s after they moved into a nursing home. They bloomed beautifully in Texas, but when I dug them up to move them here, they bloomed the first year and never again. Apparently, irises do not like so much rain!


  4. Rain coming! Some of the sweetest words to speak, aren’t they? I hear we might have a little, too!

    Your photography of the flowers is astounding. I kept going back to the Still Life Vignette and Yellow Roses-1, just for one more look. You do really well with shooting food, too. I’m the world’s worst with food and don’t think I’ll ever get better unless I find a way to control some lighting in my dark kitchen.

    Betty is sure right- I think these hotter than H days we are all having are a couple months early. I shudder to think what August/September will be like.

    A good vet is worth her weight in gold. I’m glad you found one. Have fun, my Mississippi friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzassippi says:

      I actually looked at the weather radar for Roatan yesterday to see how you were faring! I hope you will get some. When my grandparents finally replaced their cistern with a water tank on a tower and put in a bathroom, they had to buy water by the truckload. Your recent post reminded me of that.

      Thank you for the compliments on the flowers and food. The flowers are left overs from the bouquet I had in the guest room. I will keep a rose in water long after it has passed its time, but I like the way they look dried, too.

      Dr. Garcia and the entire clinic are all wonderful. When we lucked into Reggie, we lucked into more than a dog!


  5. I’m so happy to hear all is well.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Charla says:

    Your flower pictures are beautiful! The colors are happy to me. Nice captures. Yeah for a great vet! I am sure it makes such a difference for pets and pet-parents. Your meal looks very refreshing on a hot summer day. Yum.


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